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BIO 131: Human Anatomy and Physiology I

Reference Librarian and Associate Professor

Free Online Textbook

Openstax Anatomy and Physiology

"The book is organized by body system and covers standard scope and sequence requirements... The web-based version of Anatomy and Physiology also features links to surgical videos, histology, and interactive diagrams."

In this Guide

Human anatomical modelThis guide is provided to offer sources for research on topics related to Human Anatomy and Physiology

Use the left menu to navigate this guide.

What's Inside:




"Human anatomical model" by Lukas Large is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

Science News Literacy and the Scientific Method

Know how to verify legitimate scientific claims, and debunk junk science.

The Problem of Bad Science:Simple model of scientific method 

"'Bad Science' Is Everywhere. What Can We Do to Stop Its Spread?" 

"When research evidence is misleading" (2013)

"Trust: The Need for Public Understanding of How Science Works."

Addressing the Problem:

The Center for Open Science - Providing an infrastructure for detailed reporting scientific experiments and and the promotion of reproducible discoveries.

Unpaywall - Browser plugin that allows legal and free access to full texts of peer reviewed journal articles. Best when paired with the Open Access Button - Free, legal research articles and data delivered instantly or automatically requested from authors.

Little Maxima - Virtual Reality News Reader

Evaluating sources using the ABC test - Authority, Bias, and Currency. (video)

More on the Scientific Method. From Dziak, M. (2023). Scientific method. Salem Press Encyclopedia of Science.

"Scientific Method" image is shared with a public domain CC0 license at Wikimedia Commons.