What's included: Academic Search Complete is a scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 5,300 full-text periodicals, including 4,400 peer-reviewed journals. Uses include: Searching index and abstracts records for various journals and publications including monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc.
What's included: Providing access to education journals, conference papers, research and technical reports. Uses include: Searching for full-text documents related to education.
What's included: Topics include emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry & psychology, mental processes, anthropology, and observational & experimental methods. Uses include: Review full-text articles on expressive writing in human services.
Additional Resources
Here are additional databases that could prove useful for your search.
What's included: Reports on current issues include issue overview, maps and graphs, pro-con arguments, chronology, interest group listings, and more. Uses include: Review full-text reports on hot topics for research papers.
Database covers the most important and controversial issues of the day. Contains the full text of CQ Researcher, a weekly publication. Each issue provides a comprehensive overview and background essay, data tables and graphs, chronology, pro-con starter, and list of major research and advocacy groups. Includes extensive lists of sources and hot-linked footnotes throughout.
What's included: Search and read full-length e-books for reference, social sciences, medicine, art, information technology, and more. Uses include: Browse the cooking categories for more information about the history of cooking, recipes, and more.
What's included: Provides information on social issues from diverging points of view. Uses include: Utilize featured issues to explore multiple topics for research starters.
What's included: Journal articles for professional educators. Uses include: Study topics varying from children's health and development to cutting-edge pedagogical theory and practice.