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Military Studies and Veterans Support

What's in this guide

Military service logosThis guide is designed specifically for our student veterans and service personnel. You will find not only useful academic resources but links to pertinent Veterans Administration cites, cites for all the services and the Department of Defense. We, the librarians and staff at the Brendlinger Library, are here to help you. Your success matters to us.

Military Websites: Links to all the service websites and the Department of Defense website.

Veterans History Project: The College is participating in the Library of Congress' Veterans History Project. If interested in participating please contact Matthew Benko, Coordinator of Veterans Services at 215-619-7307

Find Articles: Use the databases to find articles, reference sources, statistics and newspaper articles for all your research assignments.

Find Books: Use the library catalog to search for books, magazines, movies, and cds. 

Veterans Services: Links to local, state, and national resources for veterans.

Multimedia: Useful links to sites providing multimedia images. 


Veterans on Campus