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HIS 101: History of Western Civilization I - Ancient Medieval and Early Modern

Finding sources using the catalog, and filtering to eBooks

1. Start by searching for the person, using Discovery search.

gandhi bio

2. Under All Filters, Chose "Content Provider" filter, check the box eBook collection

content provider ebook

All of the remaining search results will be ebooks, and accessible from off-campus.

Finding biographies using databases

1. Begin on our Research page. You can scroll down the alphabetically-arranged list of databases until you get to Biography Reference Source, or use the drop down list to "Refine by Subject" choosing "History" 

2. Choose Biography Reference Source.

3. Enter the name of your famous person, or browse through the biographies using different search criteria: era, nationality, occupation, gender, etc. You can tap biographies from several different sources, and use the citation and retrieval tools on the top right of any article.

biographies of comics

"Browsing Biographies of Comics" search performed by Librarian