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REA 010/014: Assignment

Tutorial & Disability Services

Finding Websites & Research Starters


We often begin our research with a Google search, which frequently returns Wikipedia pages and other similar sources.

You cannot use a Wikipedia article as a direct source for your research paper or project!!! 

As a student, it is okay to use a Wikipedia article only to get an overview or background information on the topic and to get ideas for narrowing the topic by looking at the blue hyperlinks within the article. Avoid using and citing information from a Wikipedia article because anyone can change (edit) the information at any time. This makes the information unreliable for college papers, projects, and other assignments. The editors of the Wikipedia provide this very advice! Scroll down to the bottom of this page for a link to the Wikipedia page titled, Wikipedia: Academic Use. It advises students not to cite a Wikipedia article for research, but rather, to use it only as a starting point for gaining a basic understanding of a topic.    

While you should never cite a Wikipedia article or information directly from the article, you may be able to use web pages listed in the External Links section at the bottom of the article. But you'll need to think critically and consider their appropriateness and relevance to your project before using them. External links may include museum, library, or educational sites --  reputable sites with reliable information. See the screen capture below for the External Links page from the Wikipedia article on Oskar Schindler.

screenshot of Wikipedia entry on Oskar Schindler

screenshot of external links section of Wikipedia article

Is Wikipedia a Credible Source?

Video Credit: Seeker, 2014.