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LibGuides: Best practices

Need to know HTML codes

Here are the most common HTML tags you might encounter while working with LibGuides.

Nearly all HTML has an opening and closing tag such as <p> and </p> at the beginning and ending of a paragraph.

Headings provide visual headlines and content structure.
H1 to H6 ranked highest/largest to lowest/smallest.


bold text = <b></b>

Italic = <i></i>

Link = <a href=""></a>

Email link = <a href="mailto:EMAIL"></a>

Link surrounding image = <a href=""><img src="http://image.location"/> </a> 

Paragraph = <p></p>

Line break = <br/>

Numbered list = <ol></ol>

Bulletted list = <ul></ul>

Item's within list = <li></li> 

Image = <img src="http://image.location" alt="description of image"> 

Tables = <table></table>

Table row =  <tr></tr>

Cells within row = <td></td>

Table headers = <th></th>

List example

Here is a list example


Will look like...

  • One
  • Two
  • Three
  • Four