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ENG 246: African American Literature I

Lift Every Voice

Video Credit: "Why We Sing "Lift Every Voice and Sing" | The story behind the 'black national anthem'". The Grio, Oct 7, 2017.


Video Credit: This Is Why Juneteenth Is Important for America by The Root - June 19, 2018.

Background Videos

Why Did Europeans Enslave Africans?

Video Credit: Why Did Europeans Enslave Africans? Origin of Everything by PBS - June 10, 2018.

Black Migrations

Video Credit: Where Are You REALLY From? Black Migrations and Immigration, Explained by Say it Loud, PBS, October 10, 2019

Ida B. Wells

Video Credit: How one journalist risked her life to hold murderers accountable - Christina Greer - Ted-Ed, February 4, 2019.