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Your Library

Library Classrooms


CH265: Includes an instructor workstation, SmartBoard, and nearby networked printer.  This is the Blue Bell campus library instruction room.  Priority use of this room is for hands-on library instruction sessions.  When not booked, it is available for student use.  It cannot be booked for full-semester classes, but one-time or short-term requests will be considered.

SH161: The priority use of the room is as a Pottstown library instruction classroom. It can also serve as a study space for students, on a drop-in basis.  It cannot be booked for full-semester classes, but one-time or short-term requests will be considered if no other rooms are available on campus.

In all cases, users are expected to vacate the room 15 minutes prior to scheduled events.


Please take note of the priority use of each of these rooms before requesting.  Requests for workshops and/or training arranged by college faculty and staff will be considered for one-time or short-term bookings only.  Regularly recurring classes or events cannot be scheduled in these rooms.  

For room alternatives, please first contact Patricia Drewicz, College Scheduling Coordinator You might also check the availability of College Hall, Room 168, by contacting 215-641-6452.  Room reservations are not considered complete unless the requester has received a confirmation e-mail.

Use Guidelines

When using a library instruction room, please arrive early and inform the students using the room that they will need to relocate. A room schedule will be posted outside the door, for your reference. Inform the staff working at the main service desk in the library of any problems.  Users are responsible and accountable for the cleanliness and order of the classroom following use.

After use, please report any problems with the condition of the room or the equipment by sending a detailed e-mail to