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Art & Art History

Catalog Subject Headings

Click on the links below to search these topics in the catalog:


Ceramic Materials

Ceramic Sculpture


Pottery Craft

Pottery Technique                                                                               


Contemporary Ceramic Artists

Talks by ceramic artists via the CLAY STUDIO

Web Resources

  • CeramicsWeb -- Richard Burkett has compiled an extensive amount of ceramics information: databases of glaze recipes and material analyses, links to other ceramics web sites, health and safety information, and a variety of educational materials related to ceramics.
  • The American Ceramic Society -- Provides the latest technical, scientific and educational information to members and others in the ceramics field. Includes a ceramic knowledge center.


Journals (online and onsite)

The online journal Hyperallergic sometimes has articles about clay artists, such as this one

Fierce and fantastical experiments in ceramics


Click on the links below to search these title in Journals

American Ceramic Society bulletin 

Journal of the American Ceramic Society

Ceramics, art and perception  

Ceramics monthly  

Ceramics technical 

Pottery making illustrated